Teambuilder: XXL table soccer tournament to get to know your team

Table soccer – that is a classic, is what you get to hear way before the tournament even begins. But our extra large soccer tables are special and attract attention everywhere right away. Curiously the two event modules (soccer tables) were given a close inspection and have been tested before the tournament even started. And the first groups were founded in which not everyone knew each other before this meet of employees and clients. So a first success of our table soccer is building bridges in a playful easy way.

Intellior invited employees and clients to a training that lasted several days and what is a better way to get to know each other than a tournament – a football champions league?

After the welcoming speech the table soccer battle, 4 against 4 began! That is right, 8 players at one  table, that makes 16! people who play simultaneously at two giant soccer tables.

The  teams were randomly drawn so that people from all over the world formed one team.

With background music and a professional moderation the atmosphere was great and the tournament got even more exciting and thrilling and this became the highlight of the night. Everyone who was not currently playing had the chance to see, what their results were and what place their team had in the football table that was shown on a big LCD-display.

Just in time for dinner the group phase ended and the participants could eat and regain their strength for the knockout round of the table soccer tournament. After dessert and the conversations with fellow players and opponents the excitement already arouse before the games started again.

Ready, set – table soccer!

Table soccer became the highlight of the night and the semi-finals had a  great audience even with the teams who already resigned. After exciting games the finales could not have been more thrilling – Germany played against the Netherlands!
It became a table soccer remake of the 1974 match between the German and the Dutch football teams. It was a narrow victory for the German team after a furious match.
table soccer 4 vs 4

The table soccer award ceremony – first place for team spirit

The award ceremony was the crowning end of a fantastic tournament,  the winners got real medals and Kick-Point even brought a real winner’s rostrum.

Everyone was enthusiastic about this event and got to know the others in an easy, fast and fun way. At the end you could hear the people say things like: “A classic; but still great this good old table soccer.”

Speed-kick photo gives your business a kick-start

One look at the media is enough to see the spectacular pictures of football stars being caught on camera right before they make their decisive shot – with our speed-kick photo module you can capture the same unique moment of your experience.

Was I being to excited and left out some details? Okay then, let´s start from the beginning: Our classic football module speed-kick – which captures your exact shooting speed via radar and shows the outcome on a LED display – now got combined with an highly intelligent software and a GoPro. This means, you get a high-quality photo of your best shot to take home. The speed-kick photo module has the most modern technology with a software, that identifies the exact moment before you kick the ball, with its webcam and special radar. That is the moment a photo is taken which you can hold in your hands right after, because we print it for you to take home.

Score with the speed-kick photo module

By using the speed-kick photo module you get the attention of everyone guaranteed!
For a perfect standing of your business you can use a crossbeam draped noticeable with your branding. Our crossbeam is convertible specially for this module and your requirements. This gives you the possibilities to clamp various banners without them getting affected by the balls flying around.
As a special feature you can place your logo on the printed photos the participants take home. Your company will be visibly attached to the picture and the memory of this certain experience.
speed-kick photo-example

Speed-kick photo module wins

To guarantee a certain variety in the use of the speed-kick photo module, we developed alternatives to the simple shooting. How could an alternative look like, that guarantees equal opportunities for mothers, grandchildren, grandparents, etc.? Like this for example: the challenge is to get to a certain speed within 3 shots, for example 150 mph. Not that easy when the speed-kick photo module measures two decimal places! This gives you the possibility to expand the range and flexibility of this module. This showed great results at Kyocera in Bochum, Porsche in Leipzig, Red Bull in Leipzig or Ochsner Sport in Ludwigsburg. The speed-kick photo module just inspires and astonishes everyone!


Football fan zones in the motherland of football

Germany is eminently respected when it comes to football events,  especially the football fan zones. This is a result of the success of the German football league in international competition compared with a certain amount of marketing activity. Comparably  football-crazy (or maybe even more), are just the British, who were knocked out of the European Championship 2016 early and still did not lose the fun and enthusiasm for “their” invention – football. They show this in their conceptual design of their own football fan zones.

Kick-Point – committed to football fan zones

Like in this country, there are “classic” football activities to be found in England too. Where the goal wall is a classic element in the German event sector and can be found in practically all football fan zones ;  in England similarly popular sports as darts are transferred onto the football theme. Used in an event, this could look like this: felt footballs are shot at a huge inflatable dartboard. This is a perfect activity for an indoor event, because the size makes it wind-prone.

Easier to handle and even more interesting and fascinating for the players is the interactive football goal “Kick-Point”, which is also used successfully in indoor football fan zones. The possibility of a combination of measuring the speed and the actual placement of the shot, makes this the highlight – especially for ambitious hobby footballers – of events like football fan zones.

The high degree of immediate comparability with the results of the other players and the high number of players throughout the day make Kick-Point a very successful event module and the secret star next to the impressive appearance of the football dartboard.

football fan zones

The combination of different modules is the key to successful football fan zones

These two football event modules show what a challenge it is for the organiser to develop football fan zones: on the one hand you want to present everything as impressive as possible, on the other hand it is important to bring the focus to the actual event and simultaneously reach a wide audience. Thereby a big crowd of people have to be taken into account too in football fan zones. Considered alone, the football dartboard may look impressive, but throughout the day only few people can actually participate in a game. So the solution is a combination of different highly attractive event modules, that pose varied challenges for the visitors.
You can get an impression of how our concepts for football fan zones are implemented in the motherland of football in this video:


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Kick Point: Everything you need for a successful sponsoring campaign

Finally the sun is shining bright again, the days are longer and it is becoming warm outside – the perfect timing for a special event module for your sponsoring campaign. Alongside with some of our other modules, the Kick-Point interactive football goal is a great option especially for a sponsoring campaign. Because as soon as the sun comes out, the desire arouses to go out and kick the ball in the open air. Everyone knows the classic football goal wall and the joy you feel when you finally score, but even more everyone knows how upsetting it can be to barely miss the goal. Our event module, the Kick-Point interactive football goal, makes it possible to have an even purer football experience. Shooting the ball at a real football goal that measures and displays the exact shooting precision and speed is a very special attraction.

The event module of the hour for your sponsoring campaign

Especially now, that the temperatures are rising and the people love to spend time outside again, the Kick-Point interactive football goal as an event module is the right choice in the course of an outdoor sponsoring campaign! Just the view of a real football goal itself  appears to be inviting for most people. A football goal is a timeless classic and has a nearly mysterious power of attraction. That is why this event module is a perfect eye catcher! The electronic football goal is available in different sizes for every need, with the guarantee that the fun stays the same in every size.

sponsoring campaign-Mars

Sponsoring campaign and advertising medium combined into one!

Because of the attention a football goal (outside of a football field) arouses, the Kick-Point interactive football goal can be used, besides its function as an event module, as an advertising medium to put your sponsoring campaign in the right light. Depending on the size of the goal, different banners can be hung up in the net of the goal. Because the goal usually is used with a construction to catch the ball in form of a traverse or a special net, you have a great surface for your branding there! This double function is the reason the Kick-Point interactive football goal stands out and makes it the perfect module for every sponsoring campaign and every target group!

running course – full activation pure

Who does not still remember obstacal courses from his childhood? – Our running course is the consistent development from this children´s game to a high-end technical module with best activation potential! The best thing about this module are the many possibilities it can be used without any changes in organisation and set-up. Our running course can so be used in combination with many different sports and with the relevant presentation adapt each sports special charme. We have combined our course with a lot of sports, like for example the classic football (Lionel Messi still holds the world record) ,or as a simple sprint and test of mobility. A bit more exotic is rugby, handball or basketball. But also wheelchair contests have already been organised by us several times.

Simple an still genius – our running course

running course
If it comes to movement and motivating people, you can´t beat our runnnig course. Here you can exhauste yourself at your own discretion and receive detailed information about your performance and achievements at the end. Where else can you find that? Because of the possibility of self-analyses this special running course attracts a lot of  people. Our sensor-based running course measures reaction time, acceleration time, tilting time, slalom time and the total running time. It is very flexible and easy to handle, though a highly complex technology and software is behind it. This special running course is also used intenationally for example in England, Saudi Arabia or Croatia.

Our running course benefits form our expert staff

A lot of development steps lead to modelling our running course as it is now, being completely wireless and still easy and simple to set up. Our specially trained expert staff does not only set up the course but also supervise the software and are real promoters, who bring out the best in each candidate and find potential they didn`t even know they had. For up to 7 hours you can entertain the participants with our running course. You also have the possibility to let our experts train your staff before the occasion, so that you can use your own expert team at your event. With our running course you will be first at the finish line – for sure!

Feature events online – with Kick-Point interactive football goal

Alreay during the european championship in 2008 we had the wish to support events online. At that time the representatives ot the Euromania (a roadshow throughout Austria in forefront of the european championship) wanted to present what was happening at the Kick-Point interactive football goal online on the internet. In 2008 this wish was realised through a customized membership card for every participant. Every membership card had its individual barcode for each player. The players barcode was scanned before each round at the Kick-Point. With this method the data of the results was collected in a central system and could be attributed to the specific player. This gave them the possibity to feature events online and share the data on the internet.

In 2017 more possibilities to feature events online with the Kick-Point interactive football goal

The customer´s notions, the use of the internet and the social networks have changed rapidly since 2008. What other ways are there to use events online? The use of and connection to networks as facebook and twitter is very common today. The request and requirement to support events online is trending. So, how to combine event communication and marketing communication? – This question is well discussed with the marketing experts in a time where online communication through the internet, google / youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. gets more and more significant for companys. So, bringing your events online is easy with Kick-Point.

events online

events online facebook

Embed events online through a QR code

Additionally you can support your events online by presenting your scoring and the data of the players on the internet. Therefore every player gets an individual QR code printed on the record each member receives after their participation at the Kick-Point interactive football goal. This is very interesting for the mobile phone industry, as their product is used and needed by the players to work with the QR code and transfer their data. This is called events online! events online Wien

Soccerex Global Convention exhibited Kick-Point fun & football at 20th jubilee

Kick-Point fun & football, producer and supplier for football entertainment products like interactive football goals, speed kick and radar systems etc. exhibited fourth time at Soccerex in Soccerex  20th year.

The Kick-Point interactive football goal that has found its clients and customers since 2003 in over 25 countries being used for UEFA, FIFA, professional football club projects and also for all kind of sponsoring activation concepts of all kind of football sponsors.

Beside the electronic football goal that Kick-Point fun & football already presented at Soccerex Global Convention back in South Africa, Kick-Point presented also some new items like the dribble parcours and the foto kick.

The dribble parcours challenge is a computer assisted time trial around a 10 metre track; this uses a traffic light system as a starting signal. The participant starts when the red light turns green and dribbles around the course as fast as possible. There are 2 intergrated light barriers register which registers 4 split times around the course – reaction time, sprint time, turning time, slalom time – these 4 times are assumed to 1 overall time.

The speed kick foto or foto kick – score with style – have a photo. Our new line extension in addition to our radar speed detecting is the Speed Kick with photo. Every player gets a A6 4c photo print out which includes his best shot’s speed and the sponsor’s logo. The speed Kick or shoot out modules are multi sport radar systems to detect ball speed. They can b used for multiple sport activities such as football, rugby, team handball, tennis, etc ..

The Soccerex Global Convention 2015 Manchester recorded increased levels of attendance and record levels of rights holder participation.

The Soccerex is very important for international networking

The Global Convention, took place at the Manchester Central Convention Complex, from 7th to 9th September and presented interesting products and services within the soccerex exhibition.

Soccerex has long been recognised as a key meeting place for the world’s rights holders and this year over 700 attended the Convention. This record level of buyers at the event was driven by institutional partnerships with LaLiga, The Football League and Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP), with the former two holding official meetings at the event, ensuring the attendance of all 20 and 72 of the members clubs respectively.

The -global nature of the delegates in attendance was also evident with over 80+ countries represented  as delegates flew  in from as far afield as China, India, Australia, Brazil, South Korea and Russia meaning there were  always new business strategies to be learned and new football cultures to be discovered.

Soccerex program – special and unique

The Conference Programme provided the usual mix of business best practice and exclusive insights from the game’s biggest names. The Studio was home to industry heavyweights from key sectors of world football with 15 sessions across three days.

Some of the key headlines that emanated from the Studio included:

The Academy was a hub of learning, insight and creativity which saw 20 individual workshops focusing on finance & law, social & digital media, performance, match day operations and sponsorship. It was the platform for some of the game’s biggest companies with the likes of Twitter, Heineken, FC Barcelona, Facebook, Barclays, the All India Football Federation and the Deutscher Fußball-Bund (German FA) all sharing their business acumen and industry secrets.

As with every Soccerex event, there was a host football legends participating in talks or walking around the exhibition floor to meet new businesses. One of those talks involved Michael Owen, Jay-Jay Okocha and Gaizka Mendieta discussing the World Cup experiences to a packed audience, whilst Nasser Al Khater, Assistant Secretary General, Tournament Operations at the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy, discussed how the country is going to change the way fans consume and attend a World Cup.

With the new Half Time Networking Lounge complimenting the ever vibrant networking cafe and the relaxed social evenings at the National Football Museum, the Convention was a three day networking extravaganza. An expanded SoccerMatch facility, which links clubs and suppliers together in a speed dating format, once again proved to be a valuable component of the event with multiple deals being agreed on the day or to be signed in the following weeks. Soccerex as usual.

Kick-Point fun & football – innovative football fun with connection to social media at the Hannover Messe.

On invitation of the institute of German economy (INSTI) the Kick-Point electronic football goal of Kick-Point GmbH from Rheine presented itself as selected innovation in hall 2 of the Hannover Messe (hall of innovations) in 2005, the year of the patent granting. In 2013 the innovative football goal was again in on it.

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Kick-Point fun & football at the ISPO SpoBiS 2009 – Europe’s largest Sport Business Congress



Kick-Point at the Spobis 2009

With 1,550 participants, 160 speakers, more than 50 active congress partners and 20 specialist subject forums, the ISPO SpoBiS has developed into Europe’s largest sport business congress.

Due to the new congress structure introduced a few years ago, with specialist subject forums taking place simultaneously, a large spectrum of subjects could be covered during the two-day congress. The variety of subjects covered during the forums ranged from “Football Events” to “Sport and Law”, “Merchandising and Licensing” and “Hospitality” to “Innovative Sponsoring” and “Sporting Bets”.

Rent football event modules from Kick-Point now.

Kick-Point GmbH presented the Kick-Point electronic football game (used to measure the precision and speed of goal shots) for any type of event with a 50m2 stand as partner of esb-online. Due to the cooperation with Kyocera, all congress participants could win high-quality Kyocera prizes at the Kick-Point.

The fact that the Kick-Point was still crowded once the congress had already ended, even though the “Get Together” had already started, once again goes to show what an important role this football attraction equipment can play to increase the attractiveness of events of this kind and of general football events.
“You enriched our congress and your football goal really attracted an audience” Jonathan Grüninger – esb online – quoted.

The Austrian company ARA went on an information roadshow tour with Kick-Point through Austrian schools.



ARA School tour with Kick-Point in 2008

Edutainment (Education & Entertainment) was the goal set by ARA– Altstoff Recycling Austria AG (Waste Recycling Austria AG). Edutainment was used in different schools in Austria to present a combination of entertaining but educating elements, explaining the concepts of environment and recycling to the children in an entertaining way.
The electronic Kick-Point goal was incorporated into the event concept and road show because the Kick-Point guarantees football fun as well as offering interactive quiz varieties which can be integrated as “Question and Answer Games”.
A specific question about the environment or recycling was generated by the automatic football quiz every time a pupil took a shot at goal. The pupils could double their goal shot points every time they answered a question correctly. Hands-on fun could be combined with educational explanations in this way.